Amsterdam, The Netherlands

15-17 June 2007


H.J. van den Herik and J.W.H.M. Uiterwijk


Maastricht, The Netherlands 


IBM, SARA (Academic Computer Centre Amsterdam) and NCF (Foundation of
National Computing Facilities) are enabling the organization of the
Computer Games Workshop 2007 (CGW2007) (15-17 June 2007), the 15th World
Computer-Chess Championship (WCCC) (11-18 June) and the 12th Computer
Olympiad (CO) (11-18 June) to be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Location: The Turing hall, Science Park Amsterdam, Kruislaan 419, 1098
VA Amsterdam.


For information on the 15th WCCC and the 12th CO, see elsewhere. Below
we focus on the CGW2007.


The organization of the events is to highlight the initiation of the new
NWO supercomputer, called HUYGENS. The official date of the start of the
computer's operation is June 13. The mayor of Amsterdam Dr. Job Cohen
will attend the starting meeting.


The workshop commences on June 15 at 8.30 h and will take place on three
consecutive days, each day from 8.30 h till 12.30 h. The workshop aims
in the first place at providing an international forum for
computer-games researchers presenting new results on ongoing work.
Hence, we invite contributors to submit papers on all aspects of
research related to computers and games. 


Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: (1) the current state
of game-playing programs, (2) new theoretical developments in
game-related research, (3) general scientific contributions produced by
the study of games, and (4) (adaptive) game AI. Moreover, researchers of
topics such as (5) social aspects of computer games, (6) cognitive
research of how humans play games, and (7) issues related to networked
games are invited to submit their contribution.


Important Dates

Paper Submission                      May 15, 2007

Acceptance Notification             May 21, 2007

Camera-ready Papers                 June 1, 2007


Paper Submission Requirements

Papers of 8 to 10 pages are preferred. The maximum length is 12 pages.
The preferred format for submission is PDF, but Postscript or Word is
also acceptable. The paper must be written in the English language. We
prefer the Springer Lecture Note Series (LNCS/LNAI) format. Please
follow the instructions for authors available at the Springer LNCS/LNAI


Refereeing Process

Since this announcement is rather late, the usual full refereeing
process is impossible to execute. Therefore papers will be refereed in a
"light" way by members of the Programme Committee. In practice, this
means that papers are accepted if their topic suits the workshop and
their overall quality is acceptable. Accepted papers will be scheduled
for presentation during the workshop and will be printed as workshop
proceedings. Authors of accepted papers, or their representatives, are
expected to present their papers at the workshop. Please submit papers
via email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], before May 15, 2007. Notice of
acceptance of papers will be sent by May 21, 2007 to the principal
author. Camera-ready papers are due by June 1, 2007. The best
contributions of the workshop will be published in the ICGA Journal.
Moreover, depending on the quality, a submission of material for
publication in the LNCS series may be considered.




Registration Fee            Early (on or before June 1)          Late
(after June 1)

Participants                   Euro 50
Euro 70

Students                       Euro 25
Euro 35

Admission to the workshop and a copy of the workshop proceedings are
included in the workshop registration fee. 


Workshop Proceedings

The proceedings will be edited by Professor H.J. van den Herik, dr.
J.W.H.M. Uiterwijk, dr. M.H.M. Winands, and M.P.D. Schadd, M.Sc.. Each
workshop participant will receive a copy at the start of the workshop.


The Programme Committee

The relatively short period between the final agreement on the
organization and the actual dates of the events has inspired us to work
with almost the same programme committee as last year (Turin, 2006, see
below), except that three co-chairs are supplied by the scientific staff
of our sponsors.


Co-chairs:         Professor H.J. van den Herik

                        Representative IBM-research to be announced

                        Dr. A. Osseyran (SARA)

                        Dr. P. Aerts (NCF)


For more information on WCCC, CO and CGW 2007: 

J.W. Hellemons, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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