> http://www.regdeveloper.co.uk/2007/05/15/google_translation/
> This is an article on statistical approaches to machine translation.
> Has anyone attempted similar with computer go?

Thanks, that was a well-written article. I think when he says,
"Statistics deals with ambiguity better than rules do, it turns out." he
could've been talking about the monte carlo/UCT approaches to computer
go. And while monte carlo may be the simplest way to write a 15-kyu
program it has yet to be proved it is the best way to write a 6-dan
program. Google translation is at the 15-kyu level and it isn't clear
how far just throwing more computing power at the problem will get them.

Incidentally, I think the Bleu approach to evaluating translation
quality (i.e. a machine judging the quality of machine translation) is
similar to judging improvements in our computer go programs with
self-play: the results have to be taken with a grain of salt. And Google
won the competition because they tuned their algorithms using Bleu.


Darren Cook
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