On 5/18/07, Rémi Coulom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My idea was very similar to what you describe. The program built a
collection of rules of the kind "if condition then move". Condition
could be anything from a "tree-search rule" of the kind "in this
particular position play x", or general rule such as "in atari, extend".
It could be also anything in-between, such as a miai specific to the
current position. The strengths of moves were updated with an
incremental Elo-rating algorithm, from the outcomes of random simulations.

The obvious way to update weights is to reward all the
rules that fired for the winning side, and penalize all rules that fired for
the losing side, with rewards and penalties decaying toward the end
of the playout. But this is not quite Elo like, since it doesn't consider rules
to beat each other. So one could make the reward dependent on the relative
weight of the chosen rule versus all alternatives. increasing the reward if the
alternatives carried a lot of weight.
Is that how your ratings worked?

I'm not sure how that compares with TD learning. Maybe someone more
familiar with the latter can point out the differences.

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