Heikki Levanto wrote:

> I think it is better to stick to 9x9 as the "beginners" tournament,
> where it is easy to test new ideas in quick games, and 19x19 as the
> "serious" tournament where we can see how good computers are at playing
> the game like we humans do.

I agree 100%. Other board sizes are unnecessary, and if 19x19 makes the
9x9 server decrease in interest, that's the natural evolution of the game.
The 19x19 will be the one people will use as a reference of the "state of
the art" in computer go.

I am not ready yet, but have worked a lot in computer go this year even if
not full time. In July, I will work at least 3 months full time in my engine.
The board system is done although not debugged. Debugging it is a software
project by itself because it has over 90.000 lines of automatically generated
assembly language source code. ( Not kidding. Of course, the board does more
that just checking if a move is legal ;-) ) I am eager to join the 19x19
server a soon as I am ready!

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