On 6/14/07, Magnus Persson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Congratulations to Steenvreeter!


In the second game against CrazyStone it played like a weak MC-program in the
opening - playing all moves in the center and allowing Crazystone as white to
make two rock solid groups which in my experience should be an easy win for

It's funny, Remi made a very similar remark during that game...

My impression is that the beginning and early middle game are the
weakest phase for my program. In several games against the stronger
opponents it got rather depressed, but then managed to fight back
towards the end of the game.

The hardest games were on the first day; Steenvreter still had a
severe bug, which I found thanks to the loss against Go Intellect, and
some parameters were tuned incorrectly. I was lucky that GoKing could
not exploit the situation due to its poorly implemented time
allocation. After fixing the bug and changing some parameters the next
two days went much smoother.

I think Steenvreter was successful because it was the strongest
fighter in the tournament. However, to make it a really strong program
I need to improve it's play in the early phase of the game.

My impression is that Steenvreeter is a MC-program because it sometimes played
moves that I find typical of MC-programs, but that it uses some very good
tactics and L&D reading in the playouts. It played very strong in all tactical
situations as far as I could see in a quick overview. Or perhaps it is
a hybrid
of a strong tactics engine and MC. Just a guess.

Good guess, Steenvreter uses UCT and has some L&D knowledge that I
reused from Magog.

Will we see Steenvreeter on CGOS soon or has it already played there with a
different name?

So far, Steenvreter has never played on CGOS. I'm very busy with work,
so it will take a while before I have time to put it up for some
games. Also to be honest, I'm not really that interested. I guess CGOS
is nice if you have no other way to evaluate the strength of your
program, but I really like it much more to play in a tournament like
the Computer Olympiad where I can meet other programmers face to face.

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