> Also I've found:
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/benchmark.php?test=all&lang=all
> Strict 1/2 C++ speed. 

more surprising to me, i suppose, is that C is apparently more expressive --
the size of the code is smaller for the C implementations than for java ones.
that's just pure comedy to me.

1/2 the average speed, 10x the average memory usage and more average
bytes of code.

on the other hand, there is a great deal of platform independence to be
gained, no free() bookkeeping, ridiculously easy GUI programming, and
it seems to be popular for undergraduate CS programs in the united states
to teach java to their first year students instead of C, so there should be a
large pool of people who can easily read and write it.

also, to be fair, the learning curve for C is much steeper than for java.
it's just completely unforgiving, and cannot generate warnings for the
most serious things that you can shoot yourself in the foot with.


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