> We felt also, that even if it works, the improvement 
> measured in Elos would not be very spectacular. The Elo/Effort ratio is low. 
> I was simply too lazy (or too professional) to give it a try.

it might be fun (even from a non-FPGA point of view) to try it just
to see where it lies versus a convential piece of code on equivalent

the game length is roughly the same, or smaller, and the number
of move choices is quite a bit more limited than a 19x19 go board,
(although larger than a 9x9 board in the sense that in the endgame
the board is often fairly empty rather than full) so it might be surprisingly


Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for 
today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
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