> How is this a ko threat?   Lazarus threatens a chain of 4 or 5 stones
> with a self-atari move.   If the opponent captures, where is the ko?
> If the opponent doesn't capture, where is the ko?

sorry, this is just terminology on my part -- a 'ko threat' is any threat
that can be used during a ko, regardless of whether or not there is a
ko on the board.  so for instance, a strong player may count and evaluate
the size and number of all of his (and his opponent's) ko threats on the
board before deciding whether or not to start a crucial ko.  he may also
create situations that will generate multiple ko threats later, "stockpiling"
them for later use.  wasting one of these only reduces his ability to
successfully win one or more kos later.

one way that strong players can crush weaker players is simply to start
a game-deciding ko (for instance by having the ko winner either connect
or split two important one-eyed groups), knowing that their stockpile of
threats can't be matched.  once their opponent runs out of threats, the
stronger player will lose the ko, but have one of his threats go unanswered.

all this to say that lazarus can actually play and *expect* to have one
or more of these threats unanswered if there is a standing ko of large
enough value on the board.  just start an invasion/reduction ko or a
group-splitting/connecting ko, and some of these threats can be potential


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