Sil wrote:
How about

It seems that only 24 games are available. Is the whole collection
available somewhere?

I have read dozens of times that computer-Go is the next big challenge.
But in fact it is a completly amateuristic field where even the most basic things are missing. As a chess programmer I did not even think about, that it is a problem to get a good game collection. There are no proper interfaces, no serious tournaments, a wired data standard... AND there is no money involved: For professional programming I get 60Euro/h (1Euro=1.35$).
2.000h x 60 = 120.000 Euro.
This equation is of course completly wrong. One can not make in 2000h a very strong Go programm and one can not earn 120.000 Euro with it.
A more realistic equation is;
20.000 Euro/5000h = 4Euro/h.

The minimum wage (by law) is in Austria 6Euro/h. Obviously Go programming is even more unqualified than washing dishes in a restaurant.

If it would be really a big challenge, there would be some money. In chess nowadays there is also no money. But once it was a good business and there was some considerable money for Deep Blue and on a smaller scale also for Hydra, there was Don's project at MIT, one got a big Cray for Cray-Blitz, Ken Thompson build a chess engine.... Its like some hobbyst engineers and hobby-pilots would try to fly to the moon. Its probably only good for to write some academic papers. In this case its even an advantage that everything is so amateuristic. The general level is low and one can be the one-eyed king under blind ones.

Its clear to me that things are as they are in the West. Go is played only by a small freak community. But if it is so important in China/Korea/Japan why is'nt there something like Fritz and ChessBase? Or does it exist and we are living in a completly other Go-world?


P.S.: I do not want to offend anyone in this list. Everybody here does his best. I am just feed up with the things as they are.

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