George Dahl said:
> FANN ( is a great neural network library
> written in C.  I don't know much about books on *programming* neural
> networks specifically, but I know of many great books on neural
> networks.  I am a big fan of Bishop's Neural Networks for Pattern
> Recognition even if you aren't necessarily going to use them just for
> pattern recognition.

I also see a certain amount of promise in neural networks done "wrong".

Current notion [I'm really trying to program this, arrrgh!]

A breeding population of "cells, fibers, rules". Each cell has one or more
fibers & one or more rules. Each rule has a threshold and a masked
pattern; if the cell's charge is over the threshold and its pattern
matches the rule's pattern, the cell fires & its pattern goes out via all
fibers. [That is: The pattern & a list of the cell's fibers are added to
the end of a list of fibers to be processed.]

Each fiber has a bit-logical operation as well as a destination cell. When
a fiber is processed, its pattern and operation are applied to the
destination cell's pattern. Then the fiber adds its 'signal strength' to
the cell's charge; and this is checked against the thresholds of the
cell's various rules, and so on...

The initial patterns are, of course, bitmaps of the board. When a nonzero
signal finally arrives at cell #5, one of the 1-bits is randomly selected
as the move. (If that turns out illegal, the actual move is "pass.")

Since these cells are randomly connected (depending on the player's
'genes' plus any modifications in the course of the game)... that "fibers
to process" list could easily blow up; what I think I'll do to damp out
the overload is to add the square of (How many times has this cell fired?)
to the thresholds.

If I get this running, there will be a whole mess of information being
processed about each position... some of it maybe even relevant. Anyway,
putting together a stew of good borrowed ideas... in what I hope will be a
functional way... it might be fun to watch.

Forrest Curo
San Diego

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