Can computer intelligence replace that of human?
This question comes up often. Actually it's not a philosophical 
question,because it has an exact scientific answer. Even though this answer is 
based on an important scientifc axiom that I will mention.

So a computer can lock human out of the control. It's no big?deal, my door knob 
locked me out of my house all times. It can reason too and adapts the best 
policy of anti-persuation: silence.

Let's take an example to explain the question.?The 128-bit password. In theory 
no existing and forseeable computer can solve the password. However, on average 
many poeple?use names or dates as the password. Incorporating these data a 
computer has a large?probablity to solve some passwaords, just as a human can 
guess it out, and do it better than human.??However, a human has to program 
these data into the computer. But, we can write a program that can find this 
connection all by itself.?To write such a program one?cannot?set out to write a 
decyphering program, instead one has?to write a program to describe everything 
in the life of George, the guy whose password we want to decypher. Password 
decyphering is only part of the calculations the program comes up by all 
itself. The moral of this example is that to solve one problem all by the 
program itself, the program has to be more general, or covers a larger and more 
fundamental domain, than the problem itself.?Does a domain exis
 ts that covers everything in this universe and others? Someone may point out 
immediately?that a computer?program does not have to cover everything in the 
universe. All it needs is to cover more than the domain?as human do to exceed 
the human intelligence.??Ok. But this is not the whole story.

A computer program by itself cannot develop such intelligence, because it needs 
data and interaction with the rest of world. The question becomes could a 
computer-robot combination?replace human intelligence? With the computer 
thinking and the robot do whatever it wants. This sounds a winning 
combination.?For example, the computer can instruct the robot to build the 
power plant,mining resources, manufacture more powerful computers,and 
developmore powerful programs. Why can't this happen? It's here comes?an axiom. 
That is an intellectual perpetual machine cannot be built.??


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