(no limit hold 'em example)

if "no. of hands" can be taken to be "# of distinct 2 card hands, mod
suit isomorphism" for the first action, and "no. of hands" is taken to
be "# of distinct 3 card hands given the first two cards" for the second
action, etc., then it's easy to see that the vast bulk of the decision making
game space has to do with "actions that my opponents have taken"

simplifying a little bit:

for each opponent, actions they may have taken are:

i) folding
ii) raising
iii) calling

there aren't that many categories for ii), and there are only 5 possible
initial decisions to make, along with possible reraising, calling or folding
if at least one opponent chooses ii) and we haven't yet folded.

a good bit smaller than go, even if we allow the number of categories in
ii) to be as finely discrete as the size of the smallest possible bet.


----- Original Message ----
To: computer-go@computer-go.org
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 12:11:21 PM
Subject: Re: [computer-go] U. of Alberta bots vs. the Poker pros

Let's recalculate the game space size for poker.

For a given hand there are N possible actions. For a given hand and a given 
action, there are m posssible bets. Then the game space size is

N*M*(no. of hands).


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