I prefer shorter time control.

The object I use cgos is to measure my program's performance against 
other programs.  Cgos is not a tournament in any sense.  It should be 
a tool for developers, I believe.  Then, fairness is not so important 
because I can estimate my program's performace at longer time 
control easily.  Most important thing for me is to know my program's 
rating _quickly_.

I'd like to ask shorter time settings.


Olivier Teytaud: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>Ok for 30 minutes after the testing phase (for the tests
>I guess that 10 minutes is too long :-) ).
>For the moment I am trying to get the authorization
>of opening a port for socket connection -
>for the moment I guess only
>people in the same laboratory as me can connect to
>the machine, what is not a satisfactory behavior :-)
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