On 10/29/07, steve uurtamo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As results from children get aggregated, the parent node can repartition
> what fraction of its
> > resources to dedicate to each subtree.
> um, doesn't this mean sending out messages to every child for every
> repartitioning?

I was thinking of something along the lines of "Hey child, you had control
of 10 network nodes, please return 2 to me" followed by "Hey other child,
here's two new nodes to use".  As each controlling node performs the
reallocation, only the children that are affected will have to react.
Reallocation of shallow trees should work relatively well.  Reallocation of
deep trees should be rarer.  I don't know what kind of limitations on
reallocation frequency might be needed.

While a network node may get detached for a while, a simple way to keep work
going is to have it keep processing its old task and give one final update
before switching to the new controller.

I haven't done any formal analysis, but it seems like a reasonable strategy.
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