Le lundi 29 octobre 2007, Don Dailey a écrit :
> I don't see Mogo on the server?    Where is Mogo?
> However CrazyStone is there to represent the Monte Carlo programs and
> seems to be doing a very good job indeed!
> CS-8-26-2CPU <http://www.lri.fr/%7Eteytaud/cross/CS-8-26-2CPU.html> is
> doing absurdly well for far, winning almost every game it plays.
> - Don

According to http://gemma.ujf.cas.cz/~cieply/GO/statev.html
this seems to say CS-8-26-2CPU is near 4 stones stronger
than GNU (even if 6/7 games is not statistically very robust

I m waiting to see how CS_H3 do ...


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