The terminology has become a little muddled.

I'll use MC to mean "Monte Carlo" for the rest of this.

The really good programs such as Mogo and Crazy Stone  have elements of
MC in them, but are not pure MC programs.    I'm not even sure what
"pure MC" means.

But really,  they are tree searchers.    Mogo and Crazy Stone are tree
searchers.    The tree is called a "best first" tree and it's highly

A very rough but not completely accurate description is that these are  
"best first tree searchers using MC as an evaluation function."     

But even the MC part is guided by GO knowledge, so they are a funny
mixture of many techniques.

Some of the other programs are close to "pure" MC in the sense that
little is going on other than random playouts.   These programs play
"reasonable" GO but are nearly as strong as Mogo, Crazy Stone or
commercial programs such as MFGO.

I hope that helps.

- Don


Joshua Shriver wrote:
> There has been a lot of talk about monte carlo and while I have the
> jist not sure exactly what it is? Would someone explain it?
> What I've read online is just to play a bunch of random games and pick
> the best one. Is there now real evaluation between the games or sorted
> method for generating movements?
> -Josh
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