On Nov 21, 2007 1:41 PM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (gcc also supports -fprofile-generate and -fprofile-use, which is pretty
> > cool too - gcc will re-optimize the binary based on profiling
> > information gathered from a test run of the program. It can be quite a
> > non-trivial boost.)
> This puts even more distance between C/C++ and other languages.   I have not 
> yet experimented with this, but I look forward to it.   It delays the day I 
> will be able to code in D unfortunately!

Some chess programmers have told me that this feature works much
better in Visual C++ than in gcc. It's too bad I am not willing to
program in Windows to verify it.

Oh, and I completely agree with everything Don has said. It has taken
me years to learn how to use C++ efficiently, but I think these days I
write code that is as fast as C, it's organized better... and the STL
containers and the std::string class are really nice to have.

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