It's quite different from PN.  PN expands a leaf node one ply and backs up
values to the root.  I play a line as many ply as needed until I get a high
confidence evaluation of win or lose.  In this sense I am doing something
like UCT with nonrandom play outs.  PN typically doesn't use move ordering
information.  I have a good move generator that sorts candidate moves by
probability of winning, so I always pick the highest probability unevaluated
child to expand.


Say I want to do a life and death search on a group to kill it.  The move
generator suggests 5 moves.  Make the best one, and evaluate.  If the status
is still unclear, I call the generator to make move to live.  I pick the
best and make it, etc.  Say I go 8 ply deep and find that the group dies.


Now I have one line of play that works.   To pick the next node to expand I
want to try a node that can change to root from win to loss.  So I only have
to look at opponent moves.  I pick the move that has the highest probability
of changing the root to a loss (which can be at any depth), and play out
another line until I have a stable result.


This models the way I read life and death problems.




[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason House
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 5:50 AM
To: computer-go
Subject: Re: [computer-go] Non-global UCT



On Dec 12, 2007 10:19 PM, David Fotland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Many Faces' life and death search is best first and probability based, but I
don't use UCT to select moves.  I select the move that has the highest
probability of changing the value of the root (from success to fail or vice
versa).  I don't use MC to evaluate the endpoints.  I look forward down one
line until the result is clear (alive or dead), but I follow the best move
from the move generator, not random moves.

Out of curiosity, how does that compare to proof number?  Proof number uses
a heuristic like "for this outcome to occur, N child nodes must have outcome
X".  It picks the path with the  smallest N. 


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