Forrest Curo wrote:
> So Scheme is one of the languages I've been considering, and in the
> process I stumbled upon a list of programs it was used to write. One of
> them: GIMP (Graphic Images Manipulation Program). Relevance?--Graphic
> images of any detail are enormous chunks of data; doing even a simple
> computation on one of these files has got to require a lot of
> bit-crunching, which used to be pretty time-consuming even when I was
> processing low-resolution grayscale photos for a monthly tabloid. I
> haven't run a direct comparison with GIMP's commercial rivals, but it's
> impressively fast by my standards...

If something seems too good to be true, it is. All the heavy lifting
in GIMP is done by C code, with scheme available as a scripting
language on top.

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