
I do not know what the long-term effects on the game of Go would be of
an entity with super-human playing strength. Humans tend to have funny
reactions when it comes to computers performing tasks formerly
believed to have required intelligence...

In any case, I know some people already play on larger boards and it
seemed like a possible reaction to a successful brute-force approach.


On Jan 22, 2008 6:03 PM, David Fotland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is an odd idea.  When computers started beating people in chess, humans
> did not abandon the game and change to some other similar game.  Why do you
> think go players would stop playing go when computers get strong?
> David
> >
> > In the future, when humans are consistently defeated by computers on
> > 19x19 and the remaining players move up to a more 'interesting' size,
> > will you be claiming that 19x19 isn't Go either?
> >
> > E.
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