
I have been working on a Go playing program in Perl, which I have attached as 
a module. I'll try to put in on my webspace too at 
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/daniel.gilder/  (when I figure out why I can't 
log in)

It can play on KGS, using the script kgsbot.pl, where its about 25 kyu on a 
9x9. It requires the perl modules Games::Go::GTP, Games::Go::Referee, and 
Games::Go::SGF, wich are on CPAN.

It uses pattern matching, by learning patterns from sgf files. These it stores 
in database files (which are not included, so you need to provide the sgf 

I've got to the point where it works, but there are bugs. If anyone would like 
to try and improve it, they are welcome to have a go, and I will try to 
answer any questions about it.


Attachment: Games-Go-Player-0.05.tar.gz
Description: application/tgz

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