
Yes, I do an incremental update so the board-size should be almost irrelevant. I'm not sure why I see any difference between 9x9 and 19x19 but it may have to do with the fact that the edge cuts a lot of pattern seach short.

On 27-mrt-08, at 10:13, Santiago Basaldúa wrote:

Mark Boon wrote:

What I have now takes 10-15 microseconds on a 2Ghz Intel computer to find all the patterns on a board (on average for 9x9, for 19x19 it's more like 15-20 usec)

From your difference between 9x9 and 19x19 I assume that you are updating
the patterns of the cells after a stone was placed, (else the difference should be 361/81 times) not a computation from scratch. I make this sure so that we compare apples to apples. As far as the patterns computing is concerned, (i.e. excluding the board part verifying captures, etc.) for a pattern of 40 neighbors I get times easily below 500 nanoseconds (even on an old P4 3.4 GHz) for updating 40 hashes. I explained that about June last year, when I wrote it. Since it passed my tests (June 07) I have never changed a character in the code that writes the 67090 asm lines. It is just a black box, that works 100%. Each board cell has an updating function that knows where the board limits are, the resulting
code (for hash 32 bit mode) is something like an endless:

          lea     ebx, [edx + ecx*2 - SizeOf_bccCell]
          mov     eax, 0967f6762h
          bt      dword ptr [ebx], bidx_StoneBit
          cmovc   eax, esi
          xor     [ebx + 4], eax
          lea     ebx, [edx + ecx*2]
          mov     eax, 0d83b6518h
          bt      dword ptr [ebx], bidx_StoneBit
          cmovc   eax, esi
          xor     [ebx + 4], eax
          lea     ebx, [edx + ecx*2 + SizeOf_bccCell]
          mov     eax, 0121001f7h
          bt      dword ptr [ebx], bidx_StoneBit
          cmovc   eax, esi
          xor     [ebx + 4], eax

Sorry, without a bit more explanation, the assembler code is very hard to understand. What exactly does it do? Does it relate to a pattern? Did you write a paper or post explaining this in more detail?

Do I understand correctly that you generate this code automatically? I believe David Fotland does something similiarly. I have thought about that but I wasn't sure if that was really much faster.

You are talking about updating 40 hashes. Does it mean your patterns have fixed size? In the 500 nanoseconds, how many patterns do you compare? One? A thousand? A million? How about rotations and color inversions? To make it really an apples to apples comparison I'd like to make sure we're talking about the same thing.


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