Views fine on my iPhone. My only advice is to review the paragraph after equation 3. For example, what the difference is of is unclear. I was also unable to read the exponent in the equation for phi. It may just be insufficient zoom...

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 6, 2008, at 10:55 PM, David Silver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Sylvain and myself have had a paper accepted for the Nectar track at the 23rd Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-08). The idea of this track is to summarise previously published results from a specific field to a wider audience interested in general AI.

Please bear in mind the following:

1. There is no new material in this paper that we have not already published. 2. There is a 4 page limit, and so there are many details that have been skipped over in this paper. 3. The learned heuristic, using local shape features, is not used in the competitive version of MoGo (including the MPI MoGo that played a professional player last week).

Several people on the mailing list expressed disappointment last year that they found our ICML paper inaccessible. This paper is intended to be read by a wider audience, and should hopefully be more accessible. Having said that, this is still an academic paper for a technical AI conference, and so some background knowledge is assumed :-)

Here is a draft of the paper, any feedback would be very welcome :-)

David and Sylvain
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