I have already posted the following results. The results shows the winrates of Valkyria 3.2.0 against gnugo at default strength.

512 Simulations per move
UCT_K   Winrate SERR
0       58.8    2.1 (Winrate only)
0.01    56.8    2.2
0.1     60.9    2.2
0.5     54.2    2.2
1       50.6    2.2

With 512 simulations there is not much work done in the tree. So I extend the test to 2048 simulations and also added the parameter value 2 to see what happens when search get really wide.

2048 Simulations per move
UCT_K   Winrate SERR
0       80.7    2.3 (Winrate only)
0.01    83.3    2.2
0.1     83.7    2.1
0.5     77.3    2.4
1       71.3    3
2       62      4.9

The number of games are 300 for parameters 0 to 0.5 and a little less for parameter values 1 and 2

The results confirm that Valkyria still benefits from using confidence bounds with UCT, although the effect is really small.

Also the effect of the constant might be a little greater with 2048 simulations rather than for 512. Still the curves look more or less the same. Does anyone have experience doing a test with different amounts of simulations where the best parameter value depend on the number of simulations?

I prefer to use a low amount of simulations since it is simply faster, and also if the winrate of Valkyria gets to close to 100% it becomes harder to measure the effect of different parameter settings. Maybe I should quit testing against gnugo, and try something stronger.


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