On Tue, 13 May 2008, Mark Boon wrote:
If this asymmetry really bothers you, you could very easily fix this by
wrapping the search around. There's no asymmetry in a circle.

That doesn't fix anything.

Why not? The whole argument is about a bias against points towards the end. In a circular list there is no 'end'.

No, it was a bias towards moves "behind" illegal moves.
Those moves are twice as likely to be played than other moves. Consider a list with 5 moves:

[Move1] [Move2] [Move3] [Move4] [Move5]

You create a random number between 1 and 5. If Move2 is illegeal
for example, then you will play
 Move1 if random#=1
 Move3 if random#=2 or 3,
 Move4           =4
 Move5           =5

Move3 is twice as likely to be played. Even if you make a circular


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