I'm not the author of a strong program, but I'll throw another item into the list: more incentive. For many, computer go competes for time with many other hobbies and perhaps even a day job.

Darren Cook wrote:
I have a strong interest in seeing a 19x19 computer go program that is
at least 3-dan by 2010. The recent jump in strength on the 9x9 board has
given me new hope and I want to ask people here, especially the authors
of strong programs, what you now need to make the next jump in strength.
There seem to be four broad categories:

 * More hardware (CPU cycles? Memory? Faster networking? Do you just
need that hardware for offline tuning, or for playing too?)

 * More data

 * New algorithms (if so, to solve exactly what? evaluation? search? other?)

 * More community

By community I mean things like this mailing list, CGOS, open source
projects, etc.

By data I mean things like: game records, or board positions, marked up
with correct/incorrect moves; game records generally; pattern libraries;
test suites; opening libraries.


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