Peter, many thanks to you and all the other participants in the Computer Go 
Tournament! It was fun watching and participating! Here's hoping we have a nice 
strong cluster or two mowing down the opposition next year!

----- Original Message ----

From: Peter Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Computer Go <>
Sent: Friday, August 8, 2008 10:52:02 AM
Subject: [computer-go] Report on 2008 US Go Congress Computer Go Tournament

(This is about the computer-computer tournament, not the Kim-MoGo match.)

Results of the Computer Go tournament at the 2008 US Go Congress in Portland, 
OR, USA can temporarily be found at:

I would like to thank: Hierarchical Systems Research Foundation for providing 
the bulk of the $1250 prize and travel expense money (the rest was donated 
anonymously); Bart Massey, Kathi Lee, and everyone at PSU for providing a 
physical venue and helping with technical setup; Bill Shubert and everyone at 
KGS for providing a virtual venue; and all of the programmers and operators 

The tournament was a double round-robin tournament, so each program played as W 
and B against each opponent. All games were 19x19, 45 minutes per side sudden 
death, Chinese rules, 7.5 komi. Here are the results in traditional round-robin 

                1   2   3   4   5   6   7   | Total
1. GNU Go        XX  11  01  11  11  11  11  |  11
2. Many Faces    00  XX  11  11  11  11  11  |  10
3. Leela         10  00  XX  11  11  11  11  |   9
4. House Bot     00  00  00  XX  11  01  11  |   5
5. First Go      00  00  00  00  XX  11  11  |   4
6. Orego         00  00  00  10  00  XX  11  |   3
7. Butter Bot    00  00  00  00  00  00  XX  |   0


The tournament was surprisingly smooth. Every game but one ended in resignation.

SlugGo was not able to attend due to numerous problems encountered while 
assembling a new hardware cluster. We decided to enter GNU Go (3.7.10, level 
12) instead, as GNU Go had only refrained from entering due to the expected 
presence of SlugGo.

The version of ManyFaces used includes Monte Carlo search. In fact, we believe 
GNU Go was the only non-MC program in the tournament.

In ManyFaces-Leela (that is, the game with ManyFaces as white and Leela as 
black), David Fotland discovered that his T61 laptop was unplugged, so 
ManyFaces was running at half speed to conserve power. The laptop was properly 
plugged in mid-game and ManyFaces went on to win the game anyway.

In Leela-GNU, KGS reported a win for GNU under Japanese rules, because we had 
failed to set one of our KgsGtp configuration files to specify Chinese rules. 
Since both programs believed that they were playing under Chinese rules, we 
re-scored under Chinese rules and found the game was a win for Leela (as Leela 
had reported).

In FirstGo-GNU, FirstGo played out a ladder.

In Leela-FirstGo, FirstGo played out a short ladder. It began to run when 
caught in a second, much longer broken ladder; 13 moves were played before 
Leela abandoned the chase.

In FirstGo-Orego, Orego resigned after 76 moves -- probably a bit premature.

After the event, Fotland had hew new multithreaded version of ManyFaces up and 
running. It played three games against GNU Go and won all of them.


We definitely want to do this again at next year's Go Congress in Washington, 
DC. Is there anyone in that area willing to direct the tournament?

Double round-robin ran extremely smoothly. We were able complete our games in 
less time than in a tournament with fixed rounds, because a new game could 
start whenever one ended. In fact, we were able to run some programs on 
multiple machines, thus completing some games in parallel. If there are a lot 
of entrants, perhaps they could be filtered by a Swiss tournament or the 
results of previous tournaments before playing round-robin among the strong 

The TD's program (Orego) was ineligible to win to avoid any appearance of 
conflict of interest. In the future, we would do what has been done in the 
past: appoint a deputy director or committee to make any decisions regarding 
the TD's program.

If the prize money is very large, it may be important to require that source 
code be made available for inspection by the TD to avoid any question of 

We should do a better job of making rules explicit, e.g., all results stand, 
even if it is discovered afterward that a program was running with incorrect 
parameters. (We discovered that FirstGo was running with the incorrect time 
setting; the result stood.)

It would be good to have some talks by the programmers involved.

The expense of travel is a serious impediment to attendance. Some of our prize 
money was used to defray such costs. It would be better to clarify the 
distribution of prize money in advance. Perhaps there could be one pool of 
prize money for everyone (with more money for programs that place higher, of 
course), and a second pool for those programmers who travel, with appropriate 
consideration to prevent a trivial program being entered just to collect travel 
money while the "programmer" just attends the Congress.

Our intent is to encourage interesting interactions between programmers. There 
were useful conversations in the room as the tournament ran. It was great when 
Anders Kierulf dropped in even though his program SmartGo was not entered.

Peter Drake

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