On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 6:18 PM, Martin Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I
>> did not realize that his program, even with a large tree, would not be
>> able to recognize the seki.  I knew of course that the original Mogo
>> playouts had this problem, but I thought all strong programs had
>> solved it by now...
> Hello Erik,
> seki in playouts is still an unsolved problem for Fuego as well. I have
> tried many times to fix it by disabling selfatari moves. But anything I
> tried made the program measurably weaker overall.

Hi Martin,

The tricky thing is to determine *when* to disable self-atari moves.
Forgive me for not going into details now; if you ask me again in
Beijing or after the Olympiad I'll say more.

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