>The MoGo programmer who answered questions after the match (Olivier  
>Teytaud) did state that MoGo no longer used UCT. He gave a one-line  
>statement of the reason they switched, which I did not follow.

The first post Olivier wrote they no longer used UCT is:


>On Aug 12, 2008, at 7:00 PM, Jim O'Flaherty wrote:
>> All,
>> Can anyone detail the design of the version of Mogo that beat the  
>> professional? Or is there a web-page where at least the general  
>> approach has been described? Is the information even public? I am  
>> not seeing the the implementation details, just the overall design  
>> and general strategies. However, if the implementation details are  
>> available, I would love to see those as well.
>> I am confused around what Mogo used. Was it Monte Carlo only, UCT  
>> only, Monte Carlo integrated with UCT, RAVE, etc? I have read  
>> through all of the recent emails, and I have not been able to get a  
>> clear picture of it's design. Mogo at one timed used Monte Carlo and  
>> UCT. I read an email that the one that played the pro and won did  
>> not use UCT at all. However, I thought the massive tests that Don  
>> did awhile back showed that MC did not scale very well, but MC + UCT  
>> did.
>> And what language/platform is Mogo written in; C/C++, Java,  
>> Assembly, PHP, etc.? And how did the language/platform choice impact  
>> the overall efforts; speed them up, slow them down, complicate/ease  
>> creating the parallelism on the super computer, etc.?
>> So, I am now confused precisely what method or methods were used and/ 
>> or integrated to produce the current scalable version of Mogo. I  
>> want to know these details so I can at least get a better sense of  
>> what actually occurred with the win. I don't care near as much about  
>> the hardware as I do the software architecture and design.
>> Thank you,
>> Jim
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