steve uurtamo: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>this is interesting!
>perhaps i misunderstand the setup of the experiment -- what
>is the unit of measure for the delay, or how is delay being

>the FIFO queue is doing what, and where is the delay
>being introduced?

The UCT searcher pushes a position to the FIFO queue upon the end of 
each search but the MC simulator does not get the position until the 
queue overflows.  So, the searcher selects optimal arcs based on the 
older results of simulations by "delay" times.  Especially at 
beginning, the searcher does blind search and pushes the same 
positions "delay" times.


>On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 9:20 AM, Hideki Kato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Magnus Persson: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>Quoting Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Yes, UCT is easier to use with multiple CPU's because with additional
>>>> processors alpha-beta programs do wasted work, unless you are talking
>>>> about theoretical programs with perfect move ordering, which you aren't.
>>>Nice that all is clear about alpha-beta programs.
>>>But... does not UCT with additional processors waste a lot of
>>>simulations because what would be the optimal path through the search
>>>tree depends on the threads that have not finished yet?
>> Yes, UCT does.  From my recent experiments with a delay
>> line (a fixed size FIFO queue) between a UCTsearcher and an MC
>> simulator with RAVE against GNU Go 3.7.11 level 0 on 9x9 (single
>> thread):
>> delay   #po     wins    games   winning rate    ELO     1 sigma of wr
>> 0       1,000   721     2,000   36.05%          -99.6   1.07%
>> 1       1,000   721     2,000   36.05%          -99.6   1.07%
>> 2       1,000   690     2,000   34.50%          -111.4  1.06%
>> 3       1,000   663     2,000   33.15%          -121.8  1.05%
>> 5       1,000   642     2,000   32.10%          -130.1  1.04%
>> 10      1,000   522     2,000   26.10%          -180.8  0.98%
>> 20      1,000   412     2,000   20.60%          -234.4  0.90%
>> 50      1,000   82      2,000   4.10%           -547.6  0.44%
>> Hideki
>>>Some people reported that more processors helps a lot on large boards,
>>>whereas on smaller one there is not much gain.
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