On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Markus Enzenberger
> Gunnar Farnebäck wrote:
>> To do that, just point your regular cgos client to trac.gnugo.org,
>> port 6867.
> what rules does GNU Go use in the 6x6 analysis?
> I connected Fuego configured with CGOS rules. After a while it terminated,
> because Fuego returned an error response to a play command with a move that
> violated the positional superko rule. (By default, Fuego does not accept
> illegal moves to avoid that configuration errors in experiments go by
> unnoticed.)

Makes sense, IIRC in my own analysis some years ago there were some
interesting lines containing a long cycle that go up to about 49 ply
from the empty board.

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