On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Jason House
> You are incorrect that the following heuristics in random games lead to
> finite game length:
> * no eye filling
> * no suicide
> * no simple ko violations
> Consider two eyeless chains with 3 ko's connecting them... Two taken by
> black and it's white's move. Filling the one ko it has is suicide. It must
> take a ko. On black's turn, it can't fill a ko due to suicide and must take
> a ko. The cycle repeats infinitely.

If passing is always legal and two passes terminate the game, then the
expected game length is finite no matter how you limit the other
options. If you forbid passing early then I suppose you have good
reasons for that, but it could be the reason why you and Don reached
different conclusions.
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