> It is important to know about potential blind spots introduced by pseudo-eye 
> variations, or any 
> other rules.
> Borrowing from Eric S Raymond, the more eyes inspecting the ideas, the 
> shallower the bugs.

Thanks! Here goes another attempt, this time trying to construct an
example where pseudo-eyes prevent a necessary fill-in ('a' is J15,
'b' is L17, 'c' is F12, and 'd' is K16).


AP[Jago:Version 5.0]
C[black to move.

Gobble, Olga, and Oleg agree:
'a' is an eye, cannot be filled.

Black 'b' or 'c' would put black's outer group in atari, accelerating its

A random opponent might fail to respond to black 'b' with white 'c',
permitting black 'd' to kill white, and black to live. If there are no
remaining outside moves, or the opponent is not quite random (heavy
playouts with capture preference, say), black 'b' or 'c' amounts to suicide.

The only other local move is black 'd', which allows and forces white 'a'
to live, killing black.

If filling 'a' was not ruled out, playing there would kill white, allowing
black to live.

The pseudo-eye definitions blind black to the winning shaped sacrifice
of what can never become part of a two-eye group, turning a likely live
(after selecting the best first move) black group into a likely dead one
(with survival depending on context and opponent weakness).]

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