On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 2:07 AM, Mark Boon <tesujisoftw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks. I just realized that you set the komi to 0.5. That doesn't
> sound like a good idea. I wanted to make sure you had the same for the
> 100k version. Were your earlier experiments also with 0.5 komi? MC
> programs are highly sensitive to komi, so I'd use something more
> reasonable, like 6.5 or 7.5.

Ah.  I'm sorry if I failed to draw attention to that in my original description.

I believe that some of my experiments were very similar to this one.
I don't really recall the details although I did pick the values used
here of 5k, 100k, and 10 moves based on my recollection.  I think that
originally I may have measured the difference between the two over
moves 5-10 or 5-15.  And of course the Monte Carlo program was my own,
which had some minor differences.  More significantly, I would
probably have used gnugo as the reference program for those

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