
On 11:24 Thu 15 Jan     , Mark Boon wrote:
> On Jan 15, 2009, at 10:47 AM, Daniel Waeber wrote:
> > Thanks you. I think that I understand it now :)
> >
> > On 23:21 Wed 14 Jan     , Mark Boon wrote:
> >> You have to understand that the 'start' variable really starts at the
> >> root from the position for which we do the search. So all the moves
> >> 'below' the playoutNode are also taken into account. The check in the
> >> earlier part "if (_colorMap[moveXY]==0)" makes sure there's no move
> >> between the playoutNode and the n.move as you call it.
> >
> > Ah, yes, I did not get the meaning of start right. But still I think  
> > you
> > have to incrementally add values to the maps as you go down the tree.
> But it does that. This happens when playoutNode is set to its parent  
> and the AMAF values are added again (now for the other color) until  
> the root is reached.

yes, but the weight/color maps stay the same for all updated nodes.

I think the first playoutNode (the one most deep inside the tree) only
should get amaf values for the random playout, the next one form random
playout + from the first playoutNode ... and the root node amaf values
form all the nodes.

I attached code for what I would do, but had no time to test it.

> > I think there's a problem with caputres/ko-fights inside the tree.
> > All nodes after the capture should get the amaf color/value for the
> > stones put there after the capture and not the value of the stones  
> > that
> > were put there and captured.
> >
> > Most likely I missed a little piece of code again, but hey, perhaps  
> > its
> > a real bug.
> I did stop to think about ko and 'ishi no shita' (something like  
> 'playing under the stones') a little bit but couldn't come to an  
> immediate conclusion what would be the best thing to do. So I decided  
> to leave it as it is. You didn't miss any little piece of code there.  
> Maybe there's room for improvement in case of ko, but my guess is the  
> difference will be minimal at best. If you find it does make a big  
> difference everyone here will be delighted to hear it.
> Given how it's performing I doubt there are major problems with my  
> AMAF-RAVE implementation.


> Mark
diff --git a/TesujiRefBot/source/tesuji/games/go/reference/search/MonteCarloTreeSearch.java b/TesujiRefBot/source/tesuji/games/go/reference/search/MonteCarloTreeSearch.java
index 5e47e00..ee650e1 100644
--- a/TesujiRefBot/source/tesuji/games/go/reference/search/MonteCarloTreeSearch.java
+++ b/TesujiRefBot/source/tesuji/games/go/reference/search/MonteCarloTreeSearch.java
@@ -566,6 +566,7 @@ public class MonteCarloTreeSearch<MoveType extends Move>
     			TreeNode<MonteCarloTreeSearchResult<MoveType>> node = getNodeToExpand(_rootNode, _searchAdministration);
     			TreeNode<MonteCarloTreeSearchResult<MoveType>> playoutNode = node;
+    			int start = _searchAdministration.getMoveStack().getSize(); // begin at playoutNode
 	    		if (node != null)
@@ -580,7 +581,6 @@ public class MonteCarloTreeSearch<MoveType extends Move>
 						IntStack playoutMoves = _searchAdministration.getMoveStack();
 						byte color = _monteCarloAdministration.getColorToMove();
-						int start = _monteCarloAdministration.getMoveStack().getSize();
 						int end = playoutMoves.getSize();
 						double weight = 1.0;
 						double weightDelta = 1.0 / (end - start + 1); // Michael Williams' idea to use decreasing weights
@@ -613,6 +613,13 @@ public class MonteCarloTreeSearch<MoveType extends Move>
 								if (_colorMap[xy]==color)
+							// add the move to the maps now
+							GoMove move = (GoMove) playoutNode.getContent().getMove();
+							int xy = move.getXY();
+							byte col = move.getColor();
+							_colorMap[xy] = col;
+							_weightMap[xy] = 1.0; //TODO: handle weight
 							playoutNode = playoutNode.getParent();
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