Hi Remi,

There is a simpler solution: do not allow remote play at all.

Something else for the discussion. I would like to have a rule about
mandatory displaying the thinking process of the program so that both
operators have an idea of what is happening. Especially for remote
play I think this is needed because now it is just too trivial to

As for stricter time controls; in principle I'm in favor. However, if
you really want to enforce it we should have a real clock on the table
like they have in the WCCC games. This would of course constitute a
significant change from the usual relaxed (sloppy?) playing

For a 3-round playoff I would propose that the third game uses komi
bidding (one operator is given the right to choose the komi, and the
other then chooses whether to play Black or White). An alternative is
to play 4 rounds and use board-points as a tie-breaker.

In any case, I think the 9x9-komi should go back to 6.5.


On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 11:18 AM, Rémi Coulom <remi.cou...@univ-lille3.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> During the Computer Olympiad in Beijing, some remote participants had
> problem connecting to their remote machines, which created many unpleasant
> incidents. In order to avoid these problems in the next Olympiad, I believe
> we need better rules for remote play. Here is what I suggest:
> - The start of a round must not be delayed until remote participants connect
> to their remote machine. In case of any technical problem with the
> connection, remote participants must either play locally or forfeit the
> game. If they take a lot of time to connect, that time must be substracted
> from their thinking time.
> - If, for any reason, we do not have time to play all the scheduled rounds,
> playing less rounds is better than delaying the last round to a date when
> some participants have to forfeit their game because they cannot attend.
> - It is less important, but I would also like to suggest that a 7-round
> playoff is much too long. 3 games are enough for 9x9. And the 9x9 playoff
> must be scheduled right at the end of the 9x9 tournament, so that
> participants in the 9x9 tournament do not have to wait for the end of the
> 19x19 tournament.
> These rules would avoid most of the incidents of the previous Olympiad. We
> could propose them to the tournament director if everybody agrees.
> Rémi
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