
During the last week (February 10 - 13, 2009)
there were several exhibition games between
program MoGo and some professional go players
from Taiwan (Jun-Xun Zhou 9p; Li-Chen Chien 
(12 years old) 1p; Shih Chin 2p).

First of all congratulations tothe MoGo team
for winning one game at handicap 7 (against the 9p)
and one more game at handicap 6 (against the 1p)!

Each day, two pro games on 19x19 board were played.
The results for MoGo were (given here exactly in the order 
in which the games were played).

Feb 10:  Win  Loss  (against 9p; handicap 7)
Feb 11:  Win  Loss  (against 1p; handicap 6)
Feb 12:  Loss Loss  (against 2p; handicap 7)
Feb 13:  Loss Loss  (against 9p; handicap 7)

>From these data I claim evidence that humans
are learning quickly against MoGo: The human
with 4 games (Mr. 9p) lost only his very first game.
The 1p boy lost only his first game. And the human
who had to play on day three (so, just knowing
what had happened to the two colleagues on the first 
two days) won "all" of his games.

For those who like evidence by probabilities:
* Given a 3:1 score, a random order (which should be
implied, if no learning at all were there) of the results
means prob 1/4 that the first game was the only loss.
* Given a 1:1 score, a random order ... means prob 1/2
that the first game ...
* Given three different players who play against MoGo
one after the other, "no learning" would mean that the
only 100%-scorer would sit in position 3 with prob 1/3.

Multiplication of the three terms gives
1/4 * 1/2 * 1/3 = 1/24  <  5 %.

When you follow this line of thought, the results of Tainan
show that the computer go community will also now (and likely in
future, too) have to fight with the problem/phaenomenon of quick 
human learning (as has been the case already for several decades).


PS: sgf of the Tainan games can be found in the KGS archive
for player/account "mogo".
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