Ok, I'll look into your temperature discovery article.
I noticed that Amazons is mentioned a lot in CGT, but I am not familiar with 
the game.
I want to use montecarlo to discover subgames. Then I want to use CGT 
techniques to evaluate and sum subgames to get a full board evaluation.
If this is possible, it could dramatically reduce the combinatorial explosion 
on large boards (like you said, totally killing full board search)  
This is the idea. I don't even know if it is possible, but I definitely want to 
give it a try.
So far, I've built a GTP engine, a light playouts engine, a transposition table 
and a CGT calculator, so I have some basic building blocks.
I'm about to start experimenting with subgame discovery now (but I have a 
family and a day job, so progress is slow).
Dave de Vos


Van: computer-go-boun...@computer-go.org namens Martin Mueller
Verzonden: do 19-2-2009 0:39
Aan: computer-go
Onderwerp: [computer-go] re-CGT approximating the sum of subgames

         I can see in your examples here that the space complexity of the sum 
itself grows like 2^terms if the terms are simple forms but not numbers.
        (I also took the liberty of adding your examples to my unit tests :)
        Does computation time grow much faster than this?

Not sure how bad the worst case is. But it does get worse than this, because of 
incomparable options, which multiply in number if both players have lots of 
incomparable options at their choice, etc. In my Go example, at least there was 
always a unique best move, which keeps the complexity down somewhat. 

In the game Amazons you get lots more incomparable options, e.g. try 
Amazons(".l...","x...r") in CGSuite, and then Amazons("l....",".....","xxx.r"). 
Then add one more empty square and you can go for a long walk :)
In Go, we are often lucky since only one, or a small number, of incomparable 
incentives exist. But I am sure you can construct examples that are almost as 
bad as in Amazons.

        I've also stumbled on some complicated articles about loopy games (ko) 
so I realize that there is some ground to cover in that direction too :)
        I'll read you article about temperature discovery search. Thanks for 
pointing me to it.
        Are the techniques in that article improvements over the techniques in 
http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/ftp/global/pub/techreports/1996/tr-96-030.pdf ?

The topics are a bit different. In the 1996 tech report, we compute 
thermographs for small (but potentially already messy) ko fights. The game 
graphs (the moves of the Go game and the results) were input by hand, and the 
program just computed the thermographs.

In the TDS paper, we deal only with the loopfree case (no ko). We are doing a 
forward search from the starting position, whereas all previous methods used 
bottom-up analysis from end positions. We did the experiments in Amazons since 
we already had the bottom-up data to compare with. In the second part of this 
paper, we try the method on subgames that are too complicated to build the 
whole local game tree. We do a time-limited forward search only, but can still 
get pretty good approximations to the real temperature. At least it is good 
enough to completely kill full-board alphabeta :)

Extending TDS for Go (with ko fights) has been on our to-do list for a long 
time. We have an incomplete implementation for that case. But there are still 
unresolved research questions, e.g. how to approximately model ko threats in a 
way that makes the search computationally feasible yet informative. No progress 
in recent years, since that Monte-Carlo business has sucked up all my spare 
time :)


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