I have two benchmarks:

On an: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T7200  @ 2.00GHz stepping 06
g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-33)
I had to modify SConstruct to refer to the default g++, not g++.4.2.... and had to remove -march=native

= Benchmarking, please wait ...

= 200000 playouts in 2.72759 seconds
73.3249 kpps
36.5657 kpps/GHz (clock independent)
105316/94359 (black wins / white wins)

= 200000 playouts in 2.73858 seconds
73.0304 kpps
36.4108 kpps/GHz (clock independent)
104924/94746 (black wins / white wins)

= 200000 playouts in 2.72858 seconds
73.2981 kpps
36.5291 kpps/GHz (clock independent)
105097/94582 (black wins / white wins)

= 200000 playouts in 2.76258 seconds
72.3961 kpps
36.1141 kpps/GHz (clock independent)
105139/94547 (black wins / white wins)

= 200000 playouts in 2.74358 seconds
72.8974 kpps
36.3124 kpps/GHz (clock independent)
104896/94794 (black wins / white wins)

= Try 'help'

on an: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9650  @ 3.00GHz stepping 0a
g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 4.3.0 20080428 (Red Hat 4.3.0-8)
(with -march=native flag)
= Benchmarking, please wait ...

= 200000 playouts in 1.65575 seconds
120.791 kpps
40.2566 kpps/GHz (clock independent)
105316/94359 (black wins / white wins)

= 200000 playouts in 1.65275 seconds
121.011 kpps
40.3069 kpps/GHz (clock independent)
104924/94746 (black wins / white wins)

= 200000 playouts in 1.65375 seconds
120.937 kpps
40.2789 kpps/GHz (clock independent)
105097/94582 (black wins / white wins)

= 200000 playouts in 1.65475 seconds
120.864 kpps
40.2917 kpps/GHz (clock independent)
105139/94547 (black wins / white wins)

= 200000 playouts in 1.65175 seconds
121.084 kpps
40.3084 kpps/GHz (clock independent)
104896/94794 (black wins / white wins)

= Try 'help'

I'd be curious g++ 4.4 what gives?


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