Quoting Brian Sheppard <sheppar...@aol.com>:

Further analysis convinced me that O is actually winning this game. My
engine likes A8 for O until iteration 7000, and then F9 for O, and switches
to the winning move only on iteration 143,000. But it doesn't really "see"
the win, because the evaluation remains around 50.3% no matter how long

What komi did you use? It is nice to have the sgf in addition to the position.

Anyway I entered the position manually with komi 7.5, and Valkyria plays C9 right away winning the semeai in the upper right corner and after that white wins 0.5 even if black gets everything else.

Could it be that Pebbles have trouble seeing that the semeai is won after white C9. Valkyria expects black A8 after C9 which delays the capture of the white stones. Sometimes Valkyria has (or used to) problems evaluating such semeais.


Magnus Persson
Berlin, Germany
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