On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 12:39:05PM -0400, Jason House wrote:
> That raises an interesting point. I've also put bots up in a setup and  
> forget scenario, but inevitably the bit is off of CGOS within a few days 
> and I had no idea when it went down.
> What's the right way to solve this issue so such altruistic bots can be 
> more easilly maintained? This may also help the anchor absence issue too.

If cgosclient not only stall but really crash (due to itself, your
program or more probably a network failure) you can just put it in
script with a loop :

        while true

I've done this in the past and it works well. I suppose you
can do something similar on Windows, but as I know almost anything about
windows I can't you for it.

I recomand putting a 'mail' in the loop for sending you informations
about the crash. And to be gently with the server, adding a 'sleep x' in
order to wait a bit before reconnecting.


Thomas Lavergne                    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter
                                     necessitatem." (Guillaume d'Ockham)
thomas.laver...@reveurs.org                            http://oniros.org
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