One of the difficult questions is if (or better how)
dynamic komi can be used to improve the strength of 
MCTS go programs in handicap games (both cases being
"interesting": computer on strong side - and -
computer on weak side).

Especially, there are several normal go players
("non-programmers") who are interested in this topic
and who feel that the current non-activity on this
question is unsatisfactorily.
Stefan Kaitschick (German 5-dan amateur, EGF-rating
2439) is in some sense the most prominent amongst them.

I think that it would be a real chance for the programmers
to use the interest and creativity of such people. This might 
happen for instance in the following way: include a 

    "simple komi-modification button" 

in your program (or a pair of buttons, one for +, one for -) 
which can be used by simple mouse clicks. Of course, all the 
time the true value of komi should also be shown. You programmers 
would probably be surprised to see what creative users would find 
out when playing around with such a feature.

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