4.  Keep a singly linked list of stones for each group and keep an
additional pointer for each group to the last element of the list.  This is
what I do in Many Faces.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: computer-go-boun...@computer-go.org [mailto:computer-go-
> boun...@computer-go.org] On Behalf Of Isaac Deutsch
> Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 7:48 AM
> To: computer-go
> Subject: [computer-go] Keep lists of stones in a group?
> Hello,
> I'm thinking about wether it's better to keep a list of stones for
> each group in the board state or not.
> I'm keeping a linked list of liberties like Lukasz suggested and it is
> useful in many cases, but the only case that access to all stones in a
> group is handy is when removing it. I'm already keeping track of group
> membership for each stone with union-find. This is needed for the
> liberty management.
> There are 3 options I can think of:
> 1. Keep a doubly linked list for each group. Takes about 1.5 KB ram
> for 19x19. Stone insertion is O(1), merging is O(1).
> 2. Keep a simple linked list. Takes about 700B ram. Stone insertion is
> O(1), but merging is O(min(n,m)) where n,m are the sizes of the groups
> being merged.
> 3. Don't keep lists at all. No merging or insertion, takes no ram.
> In all 3 cases, removing a group takes O(n), n being the size of the
> group. Option 3 might be a bit slower there because a stack has to be
> used to perform DFS on the group, also option 3 takes additional
> memory for the stack.
> Over all, which do you think is the fastest? All options seem to take
> about the same amount of effort to maintain.
> Regards,
> Isaac
> p.s. Sorry if this is a double post, I couldn't verify that the
> message was sent to the mailing list the first time.
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