Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
Remi Coulom has done some work in this area:

It sounds very interesting (v-optimal sampling). But I don't understand
it enough to implement it. Your idea sounds simpler, but the enumeration
would be a problem, for parameters with wide ranges where we don't know
where to start.

I am working on a tool for automatic parameter optimization. Right now it is in a very experimental state. You can find it there:

Right now only BAST is a practical method to optimize parameters with my tool. It is UCT over a recursive binary partitioning of the parameter space. It does not work well for high-dimensional optimization. Even for 1-dimensional problems, I expect QLR will outperform it significantly.

If you have access to Springer publications, that paper by Ken Chen describes another method:
It combines UCB ideas with a complex genetic algorithm. It seems very complicated for my taste.

It is probably more convenient to wait a little that I improve my parameter-optimization system, and you'll have a ready-made tool.

My tool also allows to easily implement new parameter-optimization algorithms, test them on artificial problems, before applying them to a Go program.

Right now, only binary outcomes are supported. I will add win/loss/draw results later.

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