Short version: Is anyone aware of any attempts at writing a program to play
go in javascript?

Long version: I am a longtime (4-5dan) go player and hobbiest programmer
and wanted to try exploring some of the challenges around writing a go
playing program. However, javascript is by far my strongest coding language
and I didn't think it would be wise to dive into a less familiar language
at the same time I'm learning about lots of other new things like MCTS. I
know there's a performance penalty for a language like js, but since my
first attempts will probably be quite crude anyway, this seems like
something I can defer until later. With all that said, do you know of any
other js go playing programs that could provide some good initial
stubs/ideas as I try to dive in? I'd be particularly interested if anyone
has already made a link between gogui and a javascript program.

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