I think you enjoy seeing what you write and/or visually concoct. And I'm
not sure anyone but you understands what you write and visually concoct. I
have the vague notion your shooting blindly into this cognitive space
hoping to hit a eureka mother lode; kind of like playing the lottery. Each
email or YouTube visual soup is your purchased lottery ticket into this
space hoping for a respect as the lottery win.

Finally, I'm not seeing how this particular post is related or connected to
computer Go. But, I'm also somewhat hesitant to ask you to explain the
connection, as I'm not willing to agree to read or watch what you might
produce as a response.
On Oct 3, 2015 5:02 PM, "djhbrown ." <djhbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> .
> As a lifelong pacifist [2], i would prefer it had a kinder, gentler name,
> one that semiotically signifies United peoples, in contrast to the
> doublethink [3] NWO which really means OWN because everything doublethink
> means the opposite of what it says; as in 1913 when they said "Federal
> Reserve" which means "Private Bloodsucker" and in 1950 when they said
> "Foreign Relations" which means "Local Kiru" [5,6] and in 2001 when they
> said "They done it" which means "We done it" and again in 2008 when they
> said "Quantitative Easing" which means "Quantitative Tightening", because
> the effect of writing off the private debt of plutocrats who own the banks
> that own the Federal Reserve that issues the currency, is to dilute the
> purchasing power of the currency over which they have the stranglehold,
> thereby transferring the Wealth Of Nations from the masses to the
> plutocratic inner circle (ie, they WON [7]), thereby tightening the belts
> and reins and shackles of the robota [1] and again in 2014 when they said
> "IS" which means "ISNT".
> As it would be knowledgeable, it would be Gnostic.
> To reflect its Internationally Distributed Electronic Architecture, it
> should remind people of that true-to-life Land of Oz representative
> documentary called "Neighbours" in which everyone helps out each other like
> a supportive extended family (and Kylie is so cute she makes all the sweaty
> effort and expenditure of energy needed for meiosis worthwhile).
> Putting two and two together, that makes Gnostic United Neighbours, which
> can be abbreviated to its acronym, notwithstanding its proximity to an
> antediluvian bovine app, to save those precious stalled [8] machine cycles,
> so rare these days [4].
> References
> [1] http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/robota#Czech
> [2]
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTaP5jQv2KI&index=1&list=PL4y5Wtsvtdurz6BhIIAnhF_0bbPr-edNd
> [3] http://www.orwelltoday.com/doublethink.shtml
> [4] http://www.theguardian.com/film/2007/feb/10/comedy.television
> [5] http://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1950v05/preface
> [6] http://glosbe.com/ja/en/kiru
> [7] http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/10f42a56-6830-11e5-97d0-1456a776a4f5.html
> [8] http://stallman.org/stallman-computing.html
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