I think cluster renting is a little more complex than Rémi makes it seem, because behind the few hours of tournament play will be many more hours of testing. There are also other reasons why programs may only target personal computers, for instance if they're commercial for personal use.

If we're thinking of categories, we could adopt an honor system like:
Category A0 - If your computing power is similar to that of a Raspberry Pi
and so on, instead of actually specifying how "computing power" can be compared across GPUs/clusters. I'd still prefer very little categories (2 or 3) though.

So finally, my actual proposal, is that programs with advanced hardware
configurations handicap themselves.  For example, Zen could unilaterally
announce a lower time limit that it intends to adhere to.

As long as this isn't enforced, I think it's great if a program handicaps itself and still wins, it adds excitement to the tournaments.

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