gogui-regress is used when you already have a (large) set of tests to run
for the program.  A test is made up with 1. Load a specified sgf file, 2.
go to a specified Move, 3. issue genmove command to the program, 4. tell me
if the program's response is XX or not.

gogui-display is used when you already have gtp command streams and want to
visualize the board.

So what you want is gogui itself when you want it to issue genmove command
in response to your move specified by clicking on the board, and display
the resulting board position.  When
http://gogui.sourceforge.net/doc/reference-gogui.html is not enough for
your specific needs, you could try:


On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 1:31 PM, Justin .Gilmer <jmgil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>   I've trained a deep CNN for move prediction and would like to visualize
> it using gogui (or a python library if anyone knows of one!). I have gogui
> installed and have a somewhat decent understanding of the go text protocol,
> although this is my first time trying to use it. I'm not looking to have my
> CNN play another program, instead I'd like to iterate through an existing
> sgf file and view the model probablities at each state of the game. So, I'm
> trying to write a python script which can communicate with gogui but I'm
> getting confused with which gogui executable from the list below I should
> be using:
> gogui-adapter  gogui-convert  gogui-dummy    gogui-server
>  gogui-terminal     gogui-twogtp
> gogui  gogui-client   gogui-display  gogui-regress  gogui-statistics
>  gogui-thumbnailer
> I assume one of these should just wait for the program to give a bunch of
> genmove commands? Seems like gogui-regress is what I want? I see no
> documentation on how to use this on
> http://gogui.sourceforge.net/doc/index.html and the provided help isn't
> very helpful. Hoping someone on this mailing list has used gogui before :).
> Am I missing anything? Is there any easier way to visualize my model? Many
> thanks!
> -Justin Gilmer
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