We are updating our page: http://aigames.nctu.edu.tw/~icwu/CGI.html.

The current version in UEC is CGI 2.0 (or DeepCGI) as described in this
page (also including the contributors).

The main contribution for Amigo (nothing to do with nicego) is to design a
general MCTS framework that many game programs can directly use.

CGI 2.0 is still based on the framework.

> I'm curious if they are mainly reimplementing the AlphaGo paper or doing
> something else.

We developed DCNN from Dec 2015. That means that we have not read AlphaGo’s
paper at that time yet.

But, we are still inspired by their paper.

The hardware used for UEC is 4 GPUs + 40 threads.

Best Regards,
Ti-Rong Wu
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