AGA ratings (not ranks, which only go up to 7d, but ratings) go up
infinitely, so some players have had above 10.0 rating. Mark Lee could
have given a 7.0 three stones and still won possibly, despite them both
being 7d amateur. Mark Lee also is favored against weaker professionals,
too. So 10d > 1p usually.
On 2016-03-25 22:15, Robert Jasiek wrote:
On 26.03.2016 01:23, Rémi Coulom wrote:
9d does not exist.
8d is rare and may as well be translated to the very strongest 7d.
EGF 7d means up to ca. 5p. Korean 7d might be stronger.
EGF 6d means up to ca. 1p. Korean 6d might be stronger.
Korean 5d means ca. EGF 5d - 6d.
9p has a great range in itself.
Rating systems can have a problem of running away ratings at the top.
Self-played ratings might not be significant.
5 games are not enough to assign a secure rank to AlphaGo v. 18.
So, no, the graph is not nice.
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